
Computer simulated outputs and Step-By-Step detailed instructions are provided with the instruction manual.

Interface Cards:
• 8bit AD / DA Converter Also used for Waveform Generation
• Stepper Motor Interface card
• 8255 Parallel Interface card
• 8253 Timer Interface card
• 8251 USART (Serial) Interface card
• 8279 Keyboard Display Interface card
• 8259 Interrupt generation Interface card
• 7-Segment display card
• Traffic Light Experimental Module
• This trainer includes built-in power supply, interface electronics, 12 LED’s simulate traffic signal (red, green, amber) for 4 directions, 28 LED’s simulate visual display for movement of traffic in each direction, 4 opto-electric (input) sensors used to simulate flow of traffic in each direction.

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• This is a LCD unit, with built in assembler and disassembler facility
• 8051 Microcontroller operating at 10 MHz
• 32KB powerful software monitor 27C256 EPROM
• 256 bytes on chip RAM (partially used by Firmware)
• Two 16 bit Programmable Timer
• 32 Programmable I/O pins (24 from 8255 and 6 (P1.0 to P1.5) from Port 1 of 8031)
• 50 Pin FRC connector for system bus expansion
• 26 pin FRC connector for user interface from 8255
• 9 Pin D type connector for RS 232C interface
• 9 Pin D type connector for connecting to Power supply
• Six different selectable baud rates from 150 to 9600
• One timer and external interrupt
• 101 PC type keyboard for entering user address/data and for commands
• Built in line by line assembler and disassembler
• Built in power supply
• User-friendly software monitor for loading and executing programs with break point facility
• Facility to connect to PC
Two numbers of 50 Pin Flat Ribbon Cable (FRC) duly terminated both sides with connectors.  These cables are necessary to conduct interface experiments

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